Tuesday, September 26, 2006

2day's fortunecookie

"A kindness received should never be forgotten;
A kindness given should never be remembered."



Sunday, September 24, 2006

2day's fortunecookie

" True friendship is like sound health; the value of it is seldom known until it be lost."

~Charles Caleb Colton


Friday, September 22, 2006

moca anyone?

2day's fortunecookie


"we all die. the goal isn't to live forever, the goal is to create something that will"

2day's fortunecookie

"It is our own thoughts that lead us into trouble, not other people"

"Do not become attached to the things you like, do not cherish aversion to the things that you dislike.
Sorry, fear and bondage come from one's likes and dislikes"



Thursday, September 21, 2006

Ashy Larry

Ashy Larry is a fictional character, on the TV program Chappelle's Show. He appears in the second season sketch "The World Series of Dice" played by actor Donnell Rawlings.

"The World Series of Dice" takes place in the Marcy Housing Project, where Ashy Larry is from. He is extremely "ashy," a term that refers to a skin condition usually caused by extreme dryness, and he wears white boxer shorts, shoes, and socks. He gets into the tournament with money stolen from his girlfriend while he was taking out the trash.

-taken from wikipedia


I'm so there... (I think)

Michael Lau SB's

I'm really liking these a lot, moreso for the whole design of the packaging and the toy and the little skateboard too. Michael Lau is a big time toy designer and has moved on to shoes. I hear they drop the 30th of this month; I'm trying to figure out where so I can be there. Hahaha!



U.N.: Iraq civilian deaths hit a record

"According to the U.N., which releases the figures every two months, violent civilian deaths in July reached an unprecedented high of 3,590, an average of more than 100 a day. The August toll was 3,009, the report said."

2day's fortunecookie

2 good ones I found...

guide the water.
shape the arrow shaft.
shape the wood.

The wise
control themselves."

"As a single slab of rock won't budge in the wind, so the wise are not moved
by praise.
by blame."


Badman forward

badman puuuuuuuullup?!

At U.N., Chavez calls Bush 'the devil'


Article here.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

2day's fortunecookie

How I interpret events tells more about the inward working of my character and tells less about the outward working of my eyes....




Here's my mom at 21... I'm sure if / when she finds out about my blog she'll kill me for putting this up... but ohwell, she sends pix of me out all the time... haha



Lookat what Fula left as her away message on her sidekick today!!!

"Today is National Cuzzo appreciation day...Jabari I want u to kno that ur one of the truest, most genuine friends I've ever come across. You've been there for me at times when no one else has. I just wanted u to kno that I luv you and I appreciate everything you've done for me."

Beaming =me!
Luvu2 Kiddo

Monday, September 18, 2006

coming soon...

Novemberish I think.

2day's fortunecookie

"Our most basic instinct is not for survival but for family. Most of us would give our own life for the survival of a family member, yet we lead our daily life too often as if we take our family for granted." ~Paul Pearshall

Sunday, September 17, 2006


mommy got killed today

daddy killed mommy today
mommy did my hair yesterday

but i want my mommy today
because im hurting today
where is my mommy today

who will do my hair tomorrow
mommy did it yesterday!

i want mommy today! today! today!

god why is there tomorrow,
if i'll never see my mommy today


2day's fortunecookie

A lot has been going on... So maybe a few eh?

I have learnt silence from the talkative, toleration from the intolerant, and kindness from the unkind; yet strange, I am ungrateful to these teachers.
-- Khalil Gibran.

Treat people like angels; you will meet some and help make some.
-- Unknown.

Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it.
-- Ralph Marston.


hood status...

Well I snagged the pusheads for $75.00... INCLUDING SHIPPING... I'm sure glad I didn't go for that $150.00 deal.

Friday, September 15, 2006

2day's fortunecookie

"Let children walk with Nature, let them see the beautiful blendings and communions of death and life, their joyous inseparable unity, as taught in woods and meadows, plains and mountains and streams of our blessed star, and they will learn that death is stingless indeed, and as beautiful as life."

-John Muir

Another pair bites the dust

Nuff said.

Thursday, September 14, 2006


These are sick. Makes me want to go out and design my own... In due time, due time.

2day's fortunecookie

"The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference.
The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference.
The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference.
And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference. "

-Elie Wiesel

A genetic (memetic) dimension

Blackgirlgenius sent me a link yesterday saying that I might be interested in it.

Here's the article.

It's from this book, that I promptly ordered after reading the introductory paragraph. The author coins a term "memes" and here's what he says about them:

"Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the gene pool by leaping from body to body via sperms or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation. If a scientist hears, or reads about, a good idea, he passed it on to his colleagues and students. He mentions it in his articles and his lectures. If the idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain."

I thought this contention was pretty profound, and while at dinner last night, I was staring at this family and suddenly I became aware that something else was going on in my observation of them. I wasn't looking at a group of people, but what seemed like an extension of a genetic dimension!

When I speak of dimension, I mean a physical dimension like 1D, 2D, and 3D etc. Just like 1D geometrically extends 2D, and 2D geometrically extends 3D in a Cartesian plane, what if there is another geometrical plane that can be extended or derived from this seemingly ubiquotous coordinate system!?

Extending this thought, instead of using xyz coordinates found in the Cartesian plane, or R-theta in the Polar coordinate system, what if there was a genetic or memetic coordinate system derived?!

Just an idea... I'm almost sure one exists though, because I saw it intuitively last night... oro~?


Well, well, well... I was reading this article that made the front page of Yahoo! news claiming that Amnesty is claiming WAR CRIMES against Hezbollah for the 4,000 rockets that they fired into Israel.

WHAAAT!? How does this crap make it to the front page of one of the most viewed publications in the world? Not that I'm neccessarily for Hezbollah, but how can they overlook the rampant destruction that Israel left in Lebanon over this ordeal.

  • They targeted civilian targets PURPOSELY
  • They were responsible for the LARGEST oil spill in Lebanon ever!
  • The only thing they accomplished was getting their people killed and causing billions of dollars in damage...
Disgusting... Amazing how they left out that Annan was pushing to bring the Israeli Prime Minister up on war crimes charges WEEKS ago.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

2day's fortunecookie

Flower Shower

Subhuti was Buddha's disciple. He was able to understand the potency of emptiness, the viewpoint that nothing exists except in its relationship of subjectivity and objectivity.

One day Subhuti, in a mood of sublime emptiness, was sitting under a tree. Flowers began to fall about him.

"We are praising you for your discourse on emptiness," the gods whispered to him.

"But I have not spoken of emptiness," said Subhuti.

"You have not spoken of emptiness, we have not heard emptiness," responded the gods. "This is true emptiness." And blossoms showered upon Subhuto as rain.

(taken from here)

How2Think Like a Genius...

In my quest to become smarter, I ran across this website.

I found this advice particularly interesting:

6. Think in opposites.

Physicist Niels Bohr believed, that if you held opposites together, then you suspend your thought, and your mind moves to a new level. His ability to imagine light as both a particle and a wave led to his conception of the principle of complementarity. Suspending thought (logic) may allow your mind to create a new form.

I've been working on this recently. They say when you get closest to truth or reality, seemingly opposites fold in and collapse on one another to create a single unity. Found it interesting...

Eminem Kix

Woah. These kix (only 8 made) are signed by Eminem and are going for $5K right now on ebay. 33 bids... Craziness... AND THEY'RE SIZE 13!!!

I'm proud of you tink

The reason that I stare at you is because you are not the same person that I met that day. I stare because I've seen you fall, tumble, bruise, and entangle yourself in your own fears, but afterwards rise in spite of that. After each fall, you rise a little bit higher, and sometimes I think, is this the same person my eyes fell on a week ago?

You will fight, you will lead on, and I believe that. I believe that you will come to those in need when they need it the most, once you have become master of your fears and your self-worth. I wish you courage and boldness. I admire you and have been learning from you in more ways than I can describe with words. I am at your feet, and you have taught me well.

Believe you're worth more, and it is so.

Change will not happen without you; you're essential and neccesary. Don't forget that. Never forget that.

If you really want to pass this barrier, you should feel as if you had a hot iron ball embedded in your throat. You can neither swallow it nor spit it out. Then your previous lesser knowledge disappears. Like a fruit ripening in season, your subjectivity and objectivity naturally become one. You are like a dumb man who has had a dream. Your ego shell is crushed and you can shake the heaven and move the earth. You are like a great warrior holding a sharp sword. If a Buddha stands in your way, cut him down. If a Patriarch blocks your way, kill him. You will be free from birth and death. You will be able to enter any world as it were your own playground. I will tell you how to do this with this koan.

press on...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Lord help me...


Well... I am officially a sneakerhunter. I just shelled out my first $ for kix that are no where near my size!

These New Balances were released today by Solebox, and only 300 pair were released worldwide. What they did was they started in the morning releasing sizes, starting at size 8 and going up to 13. So I log in around 3pm forgetting the time difference in Switzerland I believe. So by the time I show up, only size 13's are left.

Dissapointed, I leave the site, and then it hits me: "WAKE UP STUPID! YOU CAN STILL GET THEM!!" I'm a size 10, but I had no intention of wearing them anyways. So I log back in quick and snag a pair of size 13 boats.

What a great deal! I'll sit on them for a year or so and then sell them for a nice price!

...but they're still 13's...

think again...

I'm online and an elder of mine linked me to this article. It began as the reporter's telling of his research about the enfatuation that black men in particular, have about Brazilian women, and particularly these sex trips that are taken down there in Rio.

Being a black man myself, I am familiar with the Brazilian trips by word of mouth. I must say in my youthful years, and even up to now, I viewed these trips as existing in a sort of sexual Utopia, where people could just go there, have tons of sex with no strings attached, without fear of disease, commitment breaking, or objectification. I mean its paradise right? Wrong...

While my views on sexuality have changed over the years, and I have long since given up the fantasy of having a trip of my own; I have to be honest, upon reading the article, I still had this Utopic view of these trips.

I even started reading the article with a tinge of envy, and then that feeling turned into utter and dispicable disgust upon the reading of this:

Besides, I just saw a group of 10-to-12-year-old girls on the strip. They’re glue addicts. They have sex with tourists. They don’t require condoms. There’s real poverty here, and shit ain’t always pretty.

I watched my little Utopic view of Brazil come tumbling down. Immediately I had to change the way I viewed these sorts of "free-open sex" trips. While I am not against sex like that in a vaccuum, I am against the explotation and objectification of these people. But if I was really that offended by it, then the sex trips should have offended me at the first onset of my reading... Therein lies my contradiction.

And I also have to admit to myself that this sort of ignorance adds to the thing that really made me disgusted in reading the article: the abuse of children.

...thinking again.

another article

2day's fortunecookie

'You look great, and you know it!'


the pusheads that got away

So I've become a sneakerhead. I'm not one who really likes boxes and categories and to be honest, the name "sneakerhead" itself brings to mind underground hip-hop clubs and headwraps and powerband weilding oldschool evangelists... Not my type of scene at all.
The other day I was on ebay scouring the auction-scape for some kix and I find these pusheads. I like them immediately, not like jump for joy like them, but I go ahead and bid. I end up winning the auction for around $86.00... Feeling VERY satisfied and still high from the thrill of the bid, I go to pay using paypal... "This user cannot accept payments." It tells me!!

I was peeved to say the least. Yesterday I get in a heated bidding war over another pair and the price for these jumps to $150.00. Naturally I bail, because I really felt shorted because I had won them for $86.00 already. I end up losing that auction mostly because of a conflicting inner self.

If I can't get these for $86.00 or less, I may never try for them again. While they usually go for WAY higher, it's the principle of the deal you know? Alas... they may forever be to me, "the kix that got away"...